Goldfinch Estate Agents

The team at Goldfinch have embraced the Litter and Laugh Walks often attending and helping out. It gives them a chance to meet with like minded members of the community as well as a giving a great sense of purpose knowing they are helping make the area a better place to live in.

Throughout the offices the emphasis is on how to reduce, reuse & recycle. Recycle bins in the offices allow waste to be recycled in the appropriate manner.

A paperless system is in place reducing use of paper not to mention protecting customers data as everything is locked away behind pass worded systems.

Of course when selling ones house, living in a clean, free of litter street is vital for that all important kerb appeal. If you would like to adopt your area then check out the adopt my street section which gives information on how you can help in your own areas too.

The walks commence at the Goldfinch Office on Fowler Street, South Shields with a safety briefing and end at the Westoe Community Hub where complimentary drinks are served. If you would like to come along and help then please contact either Angela Todd or any of the members of the Goldfinch Team on 0191 4274959

Litter and Laugh Walk from Angela todd on Vimeo.

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